Code of Ethics

Code of Ethics

Anti Corruption Policy | Code of Ethics

Asire Consulting LLP (“Asire” or “We”) is committed to setting up utmost standards for transparency and accountability in all its affairs. Asire strives in attaining its mission through compliance of high legal and ethical standards. Asire does not tolerate any form of bribery, embezzlements or corruption, and will uphold all laws countering bribery, fraud and corruption in all forms.

Code of Conduct | Code of Ethics

Asire works in a regulated profession and is expected to comply with applicable laws and local and international standards and obligations around maintaining independence with respect to assurance clients. Asire proactively avoids and addresses circumstances that create or might be seen to create threats to its independence. Adherence to the fundamental principles of integrity and objectivity is important when providing all professional services, and being independent supports compliance with those principles when Asire provides assurance services to its clients. Asire defines independence as freedom from interests and relationships that impair, or may appear to impair, Asire’s objectivity in providing assurance services.

Code of Conduct
Asire Privacy Policy

Asire Privacy Policy | Code of Ethics

Asire respects the privacy rights of our clients and personnel, and is committed to protecting all personal information in our possession or control. We have adopted this Privacy Policy to guide how we collect, use and disclose the personal information we require in the course of fulfilling our professional responsibilities and operating our business. We take the privacy of our clients and our personnel very seriously. We have developed this Privacy Policy to clearly define our ongoing commitment to protecting the privacy rights of our clients and Asire personnel. Certain of the practices discussed in this Privacy Policy reflect requirements set out in Indian federal and/or provincial privacy legislation. Asire’s policy is to at all times adhere to the requirements of applicable law and professional responsibilities, and to be responsive to our clients and personnel who expect us to respect their privacy and to protect their personal information.

Disaster Recovery Policy | Code of Ethics

As there is a constant rise in information systems and electronic data, the rise in vulnerability of such data has also increased exponentially. The disruptions can be seen ranging from mild (e.g., short-term power outage, disk drive failure) to severe (e.g., site destruction, fire). Though the vulnerabilities may be minimized or eliminated through management, operational, or technical controls, as part of the department’s resiliency effort, however, it is virtually impossible to completely eliminate all risks. One of the challenges for User Departments is ensuring the operations remain unaffected, even during adverse times. Disasters can strike at any moment, leading to socio-economic and reputational losses. The guideline focuses on describing Disaster recovery planning and detailing out the considerations and best practices which should be followed to mitigate the risk of system and service unavailability by providing effective and efficient solutions to enhance business continuity.

Disaster Recovery Policy

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